Die Zukunft der Zahnheilkunde.
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Auswirkungen technologischer und gesellschaftlicher Trends auf künftige Behandlungs- und Praxisstrukturen
in der Zahnheilkunde.

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Beispiele für die Biologisierung der Medizin


Nadav Noor, Assaf Shapira, Reuven Edri, Idan Gal, Lior Wertheim, and Tal Dvir; 3D Printing of Personalized Thick and Perfusable Cardiac Patches and Hearts; Advanced Science, Volume 6, Issue 11, Jun 2019


Neha Pincha Shroff et al; Proliferation-driven mechanical compression induces signalling centre formation during mammalian organ development; April 2024; Nature Cell Biology, volume 26, p 519–529


Raphael Schaad; AlphaFold 3, entwickelt von Google DeepMind, verbessert die Vorhersage molekularer Strukturen und Interaktionen erheblich; Newsletter des AI Training Instituts, Mai 2024


Karen L. Brooks; Making What’s Next in Medicine: Why Research at Penn Powers Many FDA-Approved Treatments; Penn Medicine Magazine, April 2023


Catherine Eckford; Recent developments in stem cell therapies; European Pharmaceutical Review; May 2023


Kohn, D.B., Chen, Y.Y. & Spencer, M.J; Successes and challenges in clinical gene therapy. Gene Therapy, 30, 738–746, 2023


Muge Liu, Fan Yang, Yingbin Xu; Global Trends of Stem Cell Precision Medicine - Research 2018–2022: A Bibliometric Analysis; Frontiers in Surgery; Volume 9, June 2022


Dragomirka Jovic et al; A Brief Overview of Global Trends in MSC‑Based Cell Therapy; Springer Nature, Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 18(5):1-21, March 2022 


Waruna Lakmal Dissanayaka, Paul Sharpe; Highlights in regenerative dentistry 2021/22; Frontiers in Dental Medicine; Volume 4, May 2023;


N.N; Top 10 Trends To Watch In Dentistry 2023; Proudson, Dental Marketing;  Jan 2023


Fernando J. Aguilar-Ayala, Fernando J. Aguilar-Pérez, Geovanny I. Nic-Can, Rafael Rojas-Herrera, Gabriela Chuc-Gamboa, David Aguilar-Pérez, Beatriz A. Rodas-Junco; A Molecular View on Biomaterials and Dental Stem Cells Interactions: Literature Review; MDPI,  Appl. Sci., 12, 5815, 2022


N.N; Intelligente Implantate; Steckbriefe der ausgewählten Projekte der BMBF-Fördermaßnahme, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Rahmenprogramm Mikrosysteme 2004 - 2009, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH

Mohammed E. Sayed, Maryam H. Mugri, Mazen A. Almasri, Manea Musa Al-Ahmari, Shilpa Bhandi, Thodur Balaji Madapusi, Saranya Varadarajan, A. Thirumal Raj, Rodolfo Reda, Luca Testarelli, Shankargouda Patil; Role of Stem Cells in Augmenting Dental Implant Osseointegration: A Systematic Review; MDPI, Coatings, 11, 1035, 2021


Alessandra Rodriguez y Baena, Andrea Casasco, Manuela Monti; Hypes and Hopes of Stem Cell Therapies in Dentistry: a Review; Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 18:1294–1308, 2022



Technologische Trends


Amy Web; 2024 Tech Trends Report; Future Today Institute, 17th Edition, 


Michael Chui, Mena Issler, Roger Roberts, Lareina Yee; McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023, MC Kinsey Digital; July 2023


Allison Arieff, Rachel Courtland, Niall Firth, Mat Honan, Amy Nordrum, David Rotman, Amanda Silverman; 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2023; MIT Technology Review, 2024


Javier García Martínez, Olga Fink, Julien Weissenberg, Mariette DiChristina, Lee Sang-Yup, Lauren Uppink Calderwood, Mine Orlu, Wilfried Weber, Corinna Lathan, Geoffrey Ling, Rona Chandrawati, Carlo Ratti, Elizabeth O’Day, Angela Ruohao Wu, Xu Xun, Wendy Ju, Geoffrey Ling, Ruth Morgan, Angela Ruohao, WuAngela Ruohao Wu, Andrew Maynard, Daniel E. Hurtado, Bernard S. Meyerson, Mine Orlu, Landry Signe; Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2023; World Economic Forum; June 2023,


N.N; Technology in 2025: Prepare for the fourth industrial revolution, Pluralsight Blog, 2024


David Groombridge; Die 10 wichtigsten strategischen Technologie-Trends von Gartner für 2023; Gartner Insights; Oktober 2022


Christian Winkelhofer; Atome treffen Bits - Technologie-Trends zeigen ein Verschmelzen der physischen und digitalen Welt; Accenture Newsroom; Mai 2023 



Trends in der Medizin und Zahnmedizin


Michael Frank, Roland Frankenberger, Alexander Ammann et al; Orale Medizin, Die Zukunft der Zahnmedizin; Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH, März 2024


Uwe Axel Richter; Versorgung endlich neu denken. Das Geld reicht nicht für alle Versprechungen; Quintessenz Newsletter, April 2024


Erin Wayman; Here are some of the biggest medical advances in 2023; Science News; Dec 2023


Tanya Lewis; The Biggest Health and Medicine Stories of 2023; Scientific American; Dec 2023


Behtash Moojedi; Tech and marketing trends that will impact the dental industry in 2023; Dental Economics; Dec. 7, 2022


Daniel Allen; Five Trends Set to Shape the Future of Dentistry; E-Magazine by Medical Expo; August 2023


Hryhorii Sirenok; Dental industry trends in 2023; Triare


Sebastian Ziller, Dietmar Oesterreich, A. Rainer Jordan; Mundgesundheitsziele für Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2030; IDZ; Zahnmed Forsch Versorg, 4: 1, 2021


A.F. DaSilva, M.A. Robinson, L.K. McCauley et al; The Forefront of Dentistry—Promising Tech-Innovations and New Treatments; Journal of Clinical & Translational Research, Volume 7, p 16S-24S, October 2022


KI generell


Swantje Schemmerling; Age of Generative AI: Der Aufstieg generativer KI in Deutschland; Online; 30.04.24; 


Könneker Carsten; Künstliche Intelligenz, Spektrum der Wissenschaft Kompakt,  Okt. 2018


Joseph Briggs, Devesh Kodnani; The Potentially Large Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Economic Growth; Goldman Sachs, Economic Research, 26 March 2023


Torsten Riecke; Künstliche Intelligenz wird uns nicht umbringen, aber sie kann uns zerreißen; Handelsblatt Newsletter, Mai 24

Scott Likens; An agent for everything: Unlocking new possibilities with LLM agents; CMSWIRE, April 24

Niklas Lewanczik ; OpenAI launcht GPT-4o für alle User, ONLINE MARKETING .DE; Mai 2024


Nestor Maslej, Loredana Fattorini, Raymond Perrault, Vanessa Parli, Anka Reuel, Erik Brynjolfsson, John Etchemendy, Katrina Ligett, Terah Lyons, James Manyika, Juan Carlos Niebles, Yoav Shoham, Russell Wald, and Jack Clark, The AI Index 2024 Annual Report,” AI Index Steering Committee, Institute for Human-Centered AI, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, April 2024.






KI in der Medizin 


Eric Topol; Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again; Basic Books, März 2019


Lingenhöhl Daniel; Künstliche Intelligenz in der Medizin; Spektrum der Wissenschaft Kompakt, Nov 2020


Adam Bohr, Kaveh Memarzadeh; Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare; Academic Press, Juni 2020


Nestor Maslej, Loredana Fattorini, Raymond Perrault, Vanessa Parli, Anka Reuel, Erik Brynjolfsson, John Etchemendy, Katrina Ligett, Terah Lyons, James Manyika, Juan Carlos Niebles, Yoav Shoham, Russell Wald, and Jack Clark, The AI Index 2024 Annual Report,” AI Index Steering Committee, Institute for Human-Centered AI, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, April 2024.


Matheny ME, Whicher D, Thadaney Israni S.; Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: A Report From the National Academy of Medicine; JAMA, 2020, 323(6):509–510


Chee Peng Lim, Ashlesha Vaidya, Yen-Wei Chen, Vaishnavi Jain, Lakhmi C. Jain; Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Healthcare; Springer Nature, Volume 229; 2023

Fay Lin; Eric Topol Talks Empathy, Efficiency, and AI in Precision Medicine; INSIDE



Sergio Consoli, Diego Reforgiato Recupero und Milan Petković; Data Science for Healthcare: Methodologies and Applications; Springer, 2019


Yan Chen; Pouyan Esmaeilzadeh; Generative AI in Medical Practice: In-Depth Exploration of Privacy and Security Challenges; Journal of Medical Internet Research; März 2024


Pouyan Esmaeilzadeh; Challenges and strategies for wide-scale artificial intelligence (AI) deployment in healthcare practices: A perspective for healthcare organizations; Elsevier, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Volume 151, May 2024






KI in der Zahnmedizin


Frank Hornung, Gerhard Polzar; ARTIFIZIELLE INTELLIGENZ (AI) – ZUKUNFT IN DER ZAHNMEDIZIN (TEIL 1); Dentalzeitung; 1, 2024


KI; Roboterarme am Skalpell: Das Gesundheitswesen wird vom demographischen Wandel besonders getroffen: Der Nachwuchs fehlt, die Zahl der Patienten wächst. Wo Künstliche Intelligenz schon heute hilft; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Q1, 2024 (Dieser Beitrag wurde automatisch veröffentlicht und nicht durch die Redaktion bearbeitet) 


Elisabeth Zattler; Zukunft der Zahnmedizin. Wie KI die Patientenversorgung und Praxisorganisation verändert; Yameda e-book; Oktober 2022 


Frank Hanneken, Dr. Dirk Leisenberg, Falk Schwendicke, Sven Tschoepe; Künstliche Intelligenz in der zahnärztlichen Praxis - Empfehlungen der BZÄK; Nov 2023,


N.N; KI – Künstliche Intelligenz in der Zahnmedizin (Übersicht), DentNet,


Dr. Tobias Witte; KI in der Zahnmedizin: Blase oder Zukunft?; ZWP, März 2023


Falk Schwendicke, Robert Gaudin, Joachim Krois; Künstliche Intelligenz in der Zahnmedizin - Wie kann KI uns nützen?; ZM 110, Nr. 22, Nov. 2020


Schwendicke F, Samek W, Krois J.; Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry: Chances and Challenges; J Dent Res. 2020 Jul;99(7):769-774


Falk Schwendicke; Doris Weßels; KI in der Zahnmedizin; recall; Apr. 2024;


Guido Walter; Wie künstliche Intelligenz die Zahnmedizin revolutioniert; XTRABLATT - das DZR Kundenmagazin; Feb. 2024


Jeanette Miriam Lorenz; Künstliche Intelligenz in der Medizin, Fraunhofer-Institut für Kognitive Systeme IKS;


N.N; KI in der Zahnmedizin – längst mehr als Zukunftsmusik; 1st International Consensus Meeting on Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry; Quintessenz Publishing Deutschland; Juni 2019;


N.N; The AI World of Dentistry: A Global Review; Diagnocat; März 2024; Blog auf:


N.N; Künstliche Intelligenz in der Zahnheilkunde – Teil 2; Diagnocat; März 2024; Blog auf:


Agata Ossowska, Aida Kusiak, Dariusz Świetlik; Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry—Narrative Review; Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Mar; 19(6): 3449.


Naseer Ahmed, Maria Shakoor Abbasi, Filza Zuberi, Warisha Qamar, Mohamad Syahrizal Bin Halim, Afsheen Maqsood, Mohammad Khursheed Alam; Artificial Intelligence Techniques: Analysis, Application, and Outcome in Dentistry—A Systematic Review; Biomed Res Int. 2021; 2021: 9751564.


Marta Revilla-León, Miguel Gómez-Polo, Shantanu Vyas, Basir A Barmak, German O Galluci, Wael Att, Vinayak R Krishnamurthy; Artificial intelligence applications in implant dentistry: A systematic review; J Prosthet Dent, 2023 Feb; 129(2): 293-300


Hao Ding, Jiamin Wu, Wuyuan Zhao, Jukka P. Matinlinna1, Michael F. Burrow, James K. H. Tsoi; Artificial intelligence in dentistry— A review; Frontiers in dental medicine, Feb 2023


N.N; Dentistry — Overview of Artificial and Augmented Intelligence Uses in Dentistry; American Dental Association; SCDI White Paper No. 1106; December 2022


Kat J. McAlpine; AI may be just what the dentist ordered - Insights from the Harvard Global Symposium on AI & Dentistry; Harvard Gazette, November 2023


Mary Beth Versaci; Artificial Intelligence and Dentistry; ADA News; June 2023;


Marta Revilla-León, Miguel Gómez-Polo, Shantanu, Basir A. Barmak, Galluci, Wael Att, Vinayak R. Krishnamurthy; Artificial intelligence applications in implant dentistry: A systematic review; Journal of prosthetic dentistry; June 2021


Matvey Ezhov, Maxim Gusarev, Maria Golitsyna, Julian M. Yates, Evgeny Kushnerev, Dania Tamimi, Secil Aksoy, Eugene Shumilov, Alex Sanders, Kaan Orhan; Clinically applicable artificial 

intelligence system for dental diagnosis with CBCT; Springer, Nature, 11:15006, 2021


Lee, S., Kim, D., Jeong, HG.; Detecting 17 fine-grained dental anomalies from panoramic dental radiography using artificial intelligence; Springer Nature, Scientific Reports, 12, 5172, 2022


Schwendicke Falk,  Dommisch Henrik, Krois Joachim; Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildanalytik; Quintessenz, Parodontologie, Dez. 2020







Muhammad Tukur1,2, Jens Schneider1, Mowafa Househ1, Ahmed Haruna Dokoro3, Usman Idris Ismail4, 21 Muhammad Dawaki and Marco Agus; The metaverse digital environments: a scoping review of the challenges, privacy and security issues; Front. Big Data, 23 November 2023


N.N: The Metaverse Overview; Vision, Technology, and Tactics; Deloitte Insights; 26 May 2022


Jörg Weking a b, Kevin C. Desouza a, Erwin Fielt c, Marek Kowalkiewicz; Metaverse-enabled entrepreneurship; Elsevier, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Volume 19, June 2023


N.N; Global Metaverse Strategic Research Report 2023-2030: Market to Grow by Almost $900 Billion - AR/VR/MR/XR in the Spotlight; Research and Markets Yahoo! Finance; Apr 2024;


Roberto Hernandez et al; Demystifying the metaverse - What business leaders need to know and do; PwC, Feb 2023


N.N; Connect and extend: NVIDIA’s vision for modernizing legacy applications

Here’s how BMW used NVIDIA’s Omniverse platform to synch up its legacy systems with modern technologies; Deloitte Insights; Nov 2022


N.N; The metaverse and Web3: The next internet platform, Deloitte Insights; Jul 2022


N.N; Landmark Reports on Future of Metaverse Focus on Interoperability and Value Creation

Published; World Economic Forum; Jan 2023;


N.N; The first research of its kind: defining, building and governing a metaverse for all; World Economic Forum; Jan 2023


N.N; How to build an economically viable, inclusive and safe metaverse; World Economic Forum; May 2022 / updated Jan 2024


Deborah Perry Piscione, Josh Drean; Yes, the Metaverse Is Still Happening; Havard Business Review, May 2023


Ibrar Yaqoob, Khaled Salah, Raja Jayaraman, Mohammed Omar; Metaverse applications in smart cities: Enabling technologies, opportunities, challenges, and future directions; Elsevier, Internet of Things, Volume 23, October 2023


J. Anderson, L. Rainie; The Metaverse in 2040; Report of Pew Research Center, June 2022 





Jie Fu, Qiya Gao, Shuang Li ; Application of Intelligent Medical Sensing Technology; MDPI, Biosensors, 13, 812, 2023


N.N; Top 10 Medical Wearables Trends in 2023; StartUS Insights; 10 Medical Wearables Trends in 2023 1,Epidermal Technology 8 8. Smart Clothing Weitere Elemente


Jianxiong Zhu, Haiying Wen, Hui Zhang, Peng Huang, Lei Liu, Haibing Hu; Recent advances in biodegradable electronics- from fundament to the next-generation multi-functional, medical and environmental device;  Elsevier, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, Volume 35, April 2023


C. L. Degen, F. Reinhard, and P. Cappellaro; Quantum sensing; Reviews of Modern Physics, 89, July 2017


Domenico Formica, Emiliano Schena; Smart Sensors for Healthcare and Medical Applications; MDPI, Sensors, 21(2):543, January 2021


Sumit Majumder, M. Jamal Deen; Smartphone Sensors for Health Monitoring and Diagnosis; MDPI, Sensors, 19(9): 2164, May 2019


Smith, A.A., Li, R., Tse, Z.T.H.; Reshaping healthcare with wearable biosensors; Sci Rep 13, 4998, 2023


Yuanfang Li, Hao Tang, Ying Liu, Yancong Qiao, Hongqi Xia, Jianhua Zhou; Oral wearable sensors: Health management based on the oral cavity; Elsevier, Biosensors and Bioelectronics X, Volume 10, May 2022


Elena Abyzova, Elizaveta Dogadina, Raul D. Rodriguez, Ilia Petrov, Yuliana Kolesnikova, Mo Zhou, Chaozong Liu, Evgeniya Sheremet; Beyond Tissue replacement: The Emerging role of smart implants in healthcare; Elsevier; Materials Today BIO, 22, Oct 2023


Yu-Jung Li, Chih-Cheng Lu; A Novel Scheme and Evaluations on a Long-Term and Continuous Biosensor Platform Integrated with a Dental Implant Fixture and Its Prosthetic Abutment; MDPI, Sensors, 15(10), September 2015


Zhukov Igor, Mikhaylov Dmitry, Starikovskiy Andrey; Nano sensors integrated into dental implants for detection of acute myocardial infarction; International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, August 2012 


Jinxia Gao, Longjun Liu, Peng Gao, Yihuan Zheng, Wenxuan Hou and Junhui Wang; Intelligent Occlusion Stabilization Splint with Stress-Sensor System for Bruxism Diagnosis and Treatment; Sensors, 20(1), 89; 2020


Julia Timpel, Stephanie Klinghammer, Leif Riemenschneider, Bergoi Ibarlucea, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Christian Hannig, Torsten Sterzenbach; Sensors for in situ monitoring of oral and dental health parameters in saliva; Springer, Clin Oral Investig; 27(10): 5719–5736, 2023







Yiru Zhou, Yao Tang, You Yu; Technological trends in medical robotic sensing with soft electronic skin; Sensors and Diagnostics, Volume 3, 2024


Misael Astorga, Dagoberto Cruz-Sandoval, Jesus Favela; A Social Robot to Assist in Addressing Disruptive Eating Behaviors by People with Dementia; Robotics, 12(1), 29, Feb 2023


Axel Krieger, Tamás Haidegger; Medical Robotics 2022-2023; Sensors and Robotics, Special issue of Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220), June 2023


Iulian Ioan Iordachita, Mahdi Tavakoli and Elena De Momi: A Surgical Robotic Framework for Safe and Autonomous Data-Driven Learning and Manipulation of an Unknown Deformable Tissue with an Integrated Critical Space; Special Issue on International Symposium on Medical Robotics 2022, Journal of Medical Robotics Research, Vol. 08, No. 01/02, 2023


Lipei Liu, Megumi Watanabe, Tetsuo Ichikawa; Robotics in Dentistry: A Narrative Review; Dent. J., 11(3), 62, Feb 2023


Ahmed Yaseen Alqutaibi PhD, Hatem Hazzaa Hamadallah, Basim Abu zaid, Aseel Mohammed Aloufi, Raneem Ahmad Tarawah; Applications of robots in implant dentistry: A scoping review; Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, published online, Dec 2023


Tom C T van Riet, Kevin T H Chin Jen Sem, Jean-Pierre T F Ho , René Spijker, Jens Kober, Jan de Lange; Robot technology in dentistry, part two of a systematic review: an overview of initiatives; Dent Mater, 37(8):1227-1236, Aug 2021


Saeed A, Alkhurays M, Al Mutlaqah M, Al Azbah M, Alajlan SA; Future of Using Robotic and Artificial Intelligence in Implant Dentistry. Cureus, 9;15(8), Aug 2023


Paras Ahmad, Mohammad Khursheed Alam, Ali Aldajani, Abdulmajeed Alahmari, Amal Alanazi, Martin Stoddart, Mohammed G. Sghaireen; Dental Robotics: A Disruptive Technology; MDPI, Sensors, 21(10): 3308; May 2021





MRI in der Zahnmedizin


Lav Kumar Niraj, Basavaraj Patthi, Ashish Singla, Ritu Gupta, Irfan Ali, Kuldeep Dhama, Jishnu Krishna Kumar, Monika Prasad; MRI in Dentistry- A Future Towards Radiation Free Imaging – Systematic Review; J Clin Diagn Res.,10(10): ZE14–ZE19, Oct 2016


Al-Haj Husain, A., Zollinger, M., Stadlinger, B. et al.; Magnetic resonance imaging in dental implant surgery: a systematic review. Int J Implant Dent 10, 14, March 2024


Rodolfo Reda, Alessio Zanza, Alessandro Mazzoni, Andrea Cicconetti, Luca Testarelli, Dario Di Nardo; An Update of the Possible Applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in Dentistry: A Literature Review; J. Imaging, 7(5), 75; April 2021


Chalakuzhiyl Abraham Mathew, Sudhakara Maller, and Maheshwaran; Interactions between magnetic resonance imaging and dental material; J Pharm Bioallied Sci., 5(Suppl 1): S113–S116.,  Jun 2013


Robert P. Langlais, Leon J. van Rensburg, John Guidry, William S. Moore, Dale A. Miles, Christoffel J. Nortjé; MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING IN DENTISTRY; Elsevier, Dental Clinics of North America, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pages 411-426, April 2000


L.R. GAALAAS, T. SCHUURMANS, M. KIM, D. IDIYATULLIN, A.S LAW, J. HILTON, B. BARSNESS, S. ROACH, M. GARWOOD, D.R. NIXDORF; MRI: PROMISING DENTAL APPLICATIONS THAT SUGGEST CLINICAL UTILITY; Elsevier, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, Volume 127, Issue 1, Page 36, Jan 2019


Volker Rasche, Erich Hell, Magrit-Ann Geibel; Dental MRI; Abstract for ISMRM, 21st Annual

Meeting & Exhibition, Salt Lake City, 20-26, Apr 2013


Diverse Patent-Anmeldungen



United States Patent Application 20180160931



United States Patent Application 20180160931


Magnetic Field Unit of an MRI System for the Imaging Acquisition of a Head Area, DE102009027119B4